A New Era Begins....

21st February 2010 marked the Official Opening of New Manna by Rev Fr Marshall Fernandez. The prayer and blessing by Fr Marshall was followed by the blowing of the Shofar, one of the earliest instruments used in Jewish music. In Biblical times, the Shofar was blown to announce an important event.

It may be a week after Valentine's day, but as can be seen from the pictures below, love was in the air. As priests, pastors, family and friends put aside racial, religious or denominational differences and got together for
"a taste of heaven", we remember the words of Jesus in John 17:21 "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me".

What's "hot" at New Manna. Here's part of our spread....we don't call it "a taste of heaven" for nothing. Please "mouse-over" the pictures to get the names of the dishes.

Now, to get a taste of the real thing, do come over. Here are the directions:

Please click on the map for a larger version

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Do drop by and get"a taste of heaven".... after the New Manna experience, you'll never be the same!

Visit us daily for your daily blessing!